However, in my reading about coprophagia, which may have to do with a nutrient-deprived diet, I came across another behavioral problem with dogs who aren't getting enough nutrients in their food: excessive urination due to drinking a lot of water. I couldn't believe it. Here are my two babies eating feces and drinking water to fill their bellies because we can't spend a little more for quality food. It broke my heart.

I immediately began the transition from Pedigree - a low-grade, corn-based filler food (which was clearly going right through them) to Blue Buffalo - a high-end, protein-rich food that I could probably eat. Of course I remembered to gradually mix in the new food with the old, and of course I don't give them as much of the new food, since it is so rich. Now, wouldn't that be a nightmare for their digestion tracts - that'd be like switching from Fritos to Caviar!
Anyway, I'll keep you posted on the results.
Maybe we could apply this same theory to the typical american diet!
What a very good Mum you are to be thoroughly invested in the health and well-being of your gorgeous doggies. If I ever get a dog, meaning if the guilt that I abandoned Rosey ever lessens or goes away, I'll have lots of questions for you. You'd be Aunt Judy of course.
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